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Hansika Mangwani is a mixed media artist currently based in Pune, India. Having moved from Australia to India in early 2023, the constantly evolving and changing societal contrasts has prompted her to express herself through the medium of art.
Her abstractions are a personal manifestation of trying to reconcile her individual and her cultural layers.She uses materials such as earth and sand, representing a connection to memories and a grounding which keeps her in touch with her Eastern roots.
Juxtaposing those elements are structured geometries and bold colours, abstract reflections of the more organized society she has recently bid farewell to, a kind of emotional balancing of two distinct cultures she now incorporates into a single identity.
Mixed Media Artist

Mixed media on canvas Hansika Mangwani

Returning Home
Mixed media on canvas Hansika Mangwani

Wholly integrating
Mixed media on canvas Hansika Mangwani

Slowly integrating
Mixed media on canvas Hansika Mangwani
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